Siuslaw Talented & Gifted (TAG) Services

As of Spring of 2023, the Oregon Department of Education requires every school district to have a district TAG Plan. This is the Siuslaw Talented & Gifted Plan 2023-26
The Siuslaw School District is committed to an educational program that recognizes and strives to maximize the unique value, academic needs, and special talents of each student. Among the groups of children we seek to serve, are those who meet Oregon’s Department of Education’s definition of Talented and Gifted. It is our goal to identify, challenge and encourage, those students by facilitating and/or providing differentiated curriculum and instruction of significant depth and complexity to meet the individual rate and level of learning of each student.
In compliance with the Oregon TAG Mandate for gifted education, the Siuslaw School District focuses services on meeting the student’s instructional level and rate of learning in the classroom. Classroom teachers assess a student’s level and rate in all subject areas, and modify the instruction to provide appropriate content and instructional pacing.
TAG Referral Forms
TAG Resources
What are Siuslaw's Talented & Gifted Services? ¿Qué son los servicios TAG?
Enrichment Opportunities
School Board Presentations by TAG Coordinator
TAG Newsletters
Siuslaw's TAG Identification Process
Step 1 - Screening/Referral for Evaluation
Based on local norms, students who score at the 90th percentile or higher on state benchmark tests, or a cognitive ability test, are screened for referral by the TAG Coordinator and teacher. A parent, school personnel, or a high school student can fill out a referral for TAG evaluation if there's a belief that the student displays characteristics of giftedness. These referral forms are posted on the Siuslaw School District TAG website. The teachers and TAG coordinator will provide evidence that will be considered as part of the evaluation process.
The body of evidence collected may include the following options:
Classroom data (work samples, local assessments)
Star reading and math scores
I-Ready screening scores
Easy CBM scores
Kingore Observation Inventory data
Rating scales, parent survey, student interview
CogAT screener and post-screener (3rd grade universal screener)
Scores from state benchmark tests (Smarter Balanced Assessments)
IQ test (with parent permission)
Social emotional needs rating scales
Step 2 – Evaluation
After all evidence is collected, the TAG coordinator will convene the TAG Eligibility Team to evaluate all the information available and determine eligibility. The team will consist of at least 3 of the following: classroom teachers, TAG Coordinator, TAG representative, Administrator, and Director of Services. A record of the team's decision, and the data used by the team to make the decision will be recorded on the Siuslaw School District TAG Identification Eligibility Determination form, and will become part of the educational record for each student considered.
Step 3 - Identification
Final identification as Academically Talented or as Intellectually Gifted will be based upon the combined evidence collected during the evaluation process. No single test score will be the sole criteria for identification. Parents will be notified of all decisions.
Step 4 - TAG Plan Meeting
If the student qualifies for TAG services, the TAG Coordinator will arrange a meeting to write an individualized TAG plan for students in grades K-8. Teachers, parents, and the student will be invited to attend this meeting and provide input. The TAG plan can be reviewed and updated as needed.
TAG Policies and Procedures
Our Siuslaw School Board adopts and regularly reviews policies and procedures regarding TAG programs. The policies that define TAG for our district are linked below:
Rights of Parents of Talented and Gifted Students
If your student has been identified as Talented and Gifted based on criteria set by the OARs, you have rights as parents of a talented and gifted student. In carrying out the requirements of OAR 581-022-1320, the school district:
Informs parents at the time of the identification of the child of the programs and services available.
Provides an opportunity for parents to provide input to and discuss with the district the programs and services to be received by their child.
Notifies parents of the right to request, at any time, the withdrawal of their child from programs and services provided under OAR 581-022-1330.
Informs parents of their right to file a complaint under OAR 581-022-1940.
Contact Information for Siuslaw TAG Program
District TAG Coordinator and 6th-12th grades TAG Representative:
Kelly Dotson
Phone: 541-997-8241 ext: 6414
TAG Building Representatives at SES:
Natalie Gibson, K- 2 TAG Representative
Phone: 541-997-2514
Alyssa Cargill, 3-5 TAG Representative
Phone: 541-997-2514
TAG Compliance Officer: Special Programs Director
Lisa Utz
Phone: 541-997-5457