Algebra I Semester 1- Standards

1) REVIEW: Perform basic math operations with fractions and integers.

2) Recognize basic math concepts related with 0 and 1. Simplify expressions and solve equations using order of Operations.

3) Compare, order, and locate real numbers on a number line.

4) Part I: Evaluate, compute with and determine equivalent numeric and algebraic expressions with real numbers and variables that may also include absolute value and integer exponents. (Targets a - c)

4) Part II: Evaluate, compute with and determine equivalent numeric and algebraic expressions with real numbers and variables that may also include square roots, pi, and/or scientific notation. (Targets d - f)

5) Part I: Develop, identify, and/or justify equivalent expressions and one-step equations using the properties of exponents, equality as well as the commutative, associative, inverse, and distributive property. (Targets a - e)

5) Part II: Develop, identify, and/or justify equivalent multi-step equations using the properties of exponents, equality as well as the commutative, associative, inverse, identity, and distributive property. (Targets f - i)

6) Identify, construct, extend, and analyze linear patterns and functional relationships that are expressed contextually, numerically, algebraically, graphically, in tables, or using geometric figures.

7) Fluently convert among representations of linear relationships given in the form of a graph of a line, a table of values, or an equation of a line in slope-intercept and standard form.

8) REVIEW: solve 1-step equations, identify coordinates of points graphed on a coordinate plane, graph points from a given set of coordinates on the coordinate plane, and order a set of 5 real numbers

9) Given a rule, a context, two points, a table of values, a graph, or a linear equation in either slope intercept or standard form, identify the slope of the line, determine the x and/or y intercepts, and interpret the meaning of each.

10) Determine the equation of a line given any of the following information: two points on a line, its slope and one point on the line, or its graph. Also determine an equation of a new line, parallel, or perpendicular to a given line, through a given point.

11) Given a linear function, interpret and analyze the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Solve for x given f(x) or solve for f(x) given x. Analyze how changing the parameters transforms the graph of y = mx + b.

12) Write, use, and solve linear equations and inequalities using graphical and symbolic methods with one or two variables. Represent solutions on a coordinate graph or number line.

Correlating State Standard ID #

Not Applicable

Not Applicable








Not Applicable





Algebra I Semester 2-Standards

1. Review: Use Order of Operations in real number expressions, calculate powers of real numbers, evaluate expressions that include distributive property, powers and absolute value, find the roots of real numbers.

2. Solve systems of two linear equations graphically and algebraically, and solve systems of two linear inequalities graphically.

3. Classify polynomial expressions by terms and degree. Add and subtract polynomials to simplify polynomial expressions.

4. Multiply a variety of polynomial expressions: Polynomial by monomial using distributive property, linear by linear using the acronym FOIL and stack method, identifying patterns that occur due to particular factors. Use long division model to divide a polynomial by a binomial.

5. Given a quadratic function, identify a corresponding table or graph. Given a table or graph that represents a quadratic function, extend the pattern to make predictions.

6. Given an exponential function, identify a corresponding table or graph. Given a table or graph that represents an exponential function, extend the pattern to make predictions.

7. Given a quadratic or exponential function, interpret and analyze the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, and evaluate the function for specific values of the domain.

8. Review: Given dimensions of a basic 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional figure, calculate perimeter, area and volume with appropriate units. Given integers, find greatest common factors.

9. Compare the characteristics of linear, quadratic, and exponential functions that are expressed in a table of values, algebraically, and/or graphically, and determine the domain and range of each as it applies to a given context.

10. Factor quadratic expressions limited to factoring common monomial terms, perfect-square trinomials, differences of squares, and quadratics that factor over the integers.

11. Given a quadratic equation with integral roots, determine and interpret the roots, the vertex of the parabola, and an equation of its axis of symmetry.

12. Perform basic operations on rational expressions. Solve for a variable in a proportion of two rational expressions.

13. Express square roots in equivalent radical form and their decimal approximations when appropriate. Perform basic operations with square roots. Rationalize fractions that have a square root in the denominator.

14. Use Pythagorean Theorem to solve for unknown lengths in right triangles.

Correlating State Standard ID #

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Not Applicable




Not Applicable




Not Applicable

