FALL 2023-2024
This is the companion piece to the Student Survey from last spring and a continuation of previous parent & guardian survey data from last year.
You can access the survey with the QR Code to the right or through this Google Form Link.
This link to the Parent & Guardian survey will be open through September 29, 2023.
Thank you – Siuslaw School District
Previous Survey Links - CLOSED
SURVEY LINKS - These links will redirect to an off-site host of the survey, Lane Education Service District, for information needed to help shape the decision making process within the school district. The specific processes and initiatives that this information from these surveys will be used in:
Oregon Department of Education - Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Guidance for Six ODE Initiatives
The information from these surveys helps to direct grant resources and spending priorities in the following six state level programs administered by the school district:
High School Success (HSS) - These funds are targeted at the 8-12 grade level and support drop out prevention, family engagement nights, attendance monitoring software, a high school counselor as a graduation coach and for dropout prevention, portions of teaching positions in Career Technical classes, and direct fees for students that take the SAT on campus in October at SHS.
Student Investment Account (SIA) - This is a broader grant application of student support services across all grade levels and is currently funding: an expansion of the Siuslaw West Alt School to a full day program, an art teacher at SMS, a second counselor at SMS, a second counselor at SES, middle school electives teacher, additional elementary special education teacher, additional elementary homeroom teacher, district teacher-librarian, and a district nurse.
Continuous Improvement Planning (CIP) - Examination of student achievement; bringing all students to the same level of success regardless of socio-economic or demographic status.
Career & Technical Education - Perkins V (CTE) - Providing students skills for career readiness; currently Siuslaw provides programs in Auto Services, Welding/Manufacturing Tech, Culinary Arts, Health Occupations, Computer Science/Information Technology, Construction Trades and Small Business Operations.
Every Day Matters (EDS) - Efforts to increase school attendance at all grade levels.
Early Indicator Intervention Systems (EIIS) - Linking data systems for teachers, counselors and administrators to create a 'dashboard' to assist in observing patterns in student performance between attendance, current course grades, discipline reports, and other local progress markers, before students have fallen too far to recover in any one term. Siuslaw currently integrates multiple information systems through Willamette ESD's Oregon Data Suite to capture these 'snapshots' of student indicators.
Siuslaw Strategic Visioning Process
These surveys will help to serve as the base for the school district's Strategic Visioning Process. This process will include the identification of school board level student performance goals. The Strategic Plan will develop over this school year and the next, in several phases. These surveys help to identify some the community level priorities for the board.