A special Thank You to the Oregon Coast STEM Hub for their support of Siuslaw School District this year. They have provided teachers with a variety of professional development opportunities. Siuslaw teachers have been taking advantage of the PD offered and are engaging students throughout the district in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math education.
The Oregon Coast STEM Hub promotes integrated science, technology, engineering and math education and serves coastal teachers, students and communities. It is one of six Regional STEM Hubs funded in 2014-2015 by the Oregon Department of Education. The Oregon Coast STEM Hub is centered at OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport and serves the entire Oregon coast region.
Marine Advanced Technology Education, Remotely Operated Vehicles is a program here students use STEAM curriculum to solve real world problems. In this unit, student will work in cooperative learning teams to engineer and build an underwater robot to solve real-world problems underwater.
Check out their official website.