​Allies, LLC is hosting an Allies by the Sea Ice Cream Social Monday, August 21 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Cleawox Lake in Honeyman State Park (84505 Highway 101, Florence, OR 97439). Allies, LLC is an established provider agency that supports adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They are now offering local support services, classes, and activities in our community (the Coast!). Please call or text Rosa upon arrival in order to get hte $5 parking fee waived. They will have free designated parking for this event. Rosa can be reached at 541-514-1481 or at rosa.valenzuela@allies-llc.org.
​The Siuslaw School District is currently hiring for a variety of open positions:  7th-Grade Science Teacher, Middle School - Closes 8/26/2023 at 4 p.m. Football Safety Coach, High School Career & Technical, Welding & Metals/Auto Educational Assistant, High School Educational Aide, Alternative School Special Education Life Skills Aide, Location TBD Nutrition Specialist II, District Custodian I, Middle/High School Mechanic, Transportation Classified Substitutes Certified (Licensed) Substitutes Substitute School Bus Driver *Jobs updated daily!  Benefits for qualifying positions include Paid leave, Paid individual and Family Medical/Dental/Vision, Relocation Assistance, Paid Tuition, Retirement, and much more!  To learn more, contact Pam at 541-997-5470 or visit https://tinyurl.com/SiuslawSDJobs​ or https://siuslaw.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx​ ​​to read the full postings and apply online.
​Come celebrate the 8th anniversary of the Oregon Coast Military Museum on Saturday, July 1 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2145 Kingwood Street, Florence, Oregon. Admission is free. There will be free hotdogs, hamburgers, along with raffles, military displays, military vehicles and rides, and many child activities.   If you have any questions or ​would like more information, call Cate at 541-999-0227.
​The last day of school for students is Thursday, June 15. This is an early release day for students. Siuslaw Elementary School will release students at 1:45 p.m. and Siuslaw Middle School and Siuslaw High School will release students at 2:10 p.m.
​Sign up for KITS At Home! ¡Inscríbase en KITS En Casa!  The KITS At Home program is intended for parents of students who will be entering kindergarten in Fall, 2023. It is all online. El programa KITS En Casa es para los padres de niños que entrarán en el kindergarten en el otoño del 2023. Todo ocurre en línea.  During the KITS At Home program parents will learn how to: En el programa KITS En Casa, los padres aprenderán a:  - encourage and support learning at home motivar y apoyar el aprendizaje en casa  - help children follow directions and cooperate with parents ayudar a los niños a seguir direcciones y cooperar con los padres  - support their children to develop social-emotional skills they need to be ready for school apoyarles a los niños en el desarrollo de las habilidades socioemocionales que necesitan para estar listos para la escuela  KITS At Home is free!  ¡KITS En Casa es gratis!
It's time to sign up for summer school! This year we are "Racing to Learn." Registration for Siuslaw Elementary Summer School is now open. Please submit your registration packet by Friday, June 9. Summer school will be from Tuesday June 27 through July 20, Monday through Thursday, from 8 a.m. to noon. Breakfast is served between 8 and 8:30 a.m.,  and lunch will be provided at 11:30 a.m. We will be closed July 4 and 5. For more information, go to the school’s website at siuslaw.k12.or.us,  use the direct links to the registration packet (https://5il.co/1v4sq  or https://tinyurl.com/2023SESSummerSchool), visit the school office, or contact Kassy Keppol at kkeppol@siuslaw.k12.or.us.
​Today is the day! Ms. Wachtel's second-grade class will be unearthing a capsule that was buried in 1991 at 1 p.m. Here is the livestream link for YouTube and a redirect link (for those typing into a browser) if you would like to watch: https://youtube.com/live/jlj2jruCSDs or https://tinyurl.com/1991time​capsule​.
​We are celebrating Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week! We are extremely fortunate to have such amazing staff members serving our students in Florence!  At Siuslaw High School, one of our teachers, Trisha Holden, honored two of our staff members with a written tribute. Below is what she shared about Siuslaw West staff members Terri Mason and Kate Gibson.  "Ms. Mason and Ms. Kate are an AMAZING team over at Siuslaw West! Ms. Mason makes my role as an independent studies/credit recovery teacher so much easier because she keeps a constantly updated running tally of students' progress in each of their online classes. This allows me to have the time in my classroom to focus on and engage in helping students with their studies. It's a big deal! Not only do they look out for all the students who are working on their credit recovery here on the main campus, but they are creating a space at Siuslaw West where students feel safe, welcome, wanted, and motivated. They have consistent rules and high expectations, and they cheer, nurture, and tutor each student toward their goal of diploma or GED completion. They definitely embody all aspects of Siuslaw PRIDE! Ms. Mason and Ms. Kate absolutely ROCK!"  ​To our staff we say: Thank you! You are an inspiration! You are appreciated! You make a huge impact! You truly care about students! We are fortunate to have you!
The Siuslaw School District is currently hiring for a variety of open position*s:  Special Education Teacher, Siuslaw High School School Counselor or Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Siuslaw Middle & High School Special Education Aide, Siuslaw Middle School Educational Aide, Siuslaw Middle School Educational Aide, Siuslaw Elementary School Custodian, Siuslaw Middle/High School Mechanic, Transportation Career & Technical Manufacturing Technology, Welding and Metals/Automotive Educational Assistant Aide, Siuslaw High School Substitute Teaching, classroom and bus driver positions *Jobs updated daily!  Benefits for qualifying positions include Paid leave, Paid individual and Family Medical/Dental/Vision, Relocation Assistance, Paid Tuition, Retirement, and much more!  To learn more, contact Pam at 541-997-5470 or visit siuslaw.k12.or.us and click on the Careers tab to read the full posting and apply online.
Student of the month certificate image
​Our PTA Talent Show is back after 2 years! Don’t miss out on one of the most entertaining collections of talent put on by students of Siuslaw. Get your tickets now to see the annual PTA Talent Show.  There will be two performances, Wednesday, May 3 and Thursday, May 4, from 6 to 7 p.m. each evening at the Florence Events Center. Tickets are on sale now at the Siuslaw Elementary School office. The cost is $3 for individuals and $10 for a family of 4. Children under 5 are free. Tickets available for purchase in the Siuslaw Elementary School office or at the Florence Events Center the nights of the shows.  Questions? Contact Mrs. Sarles, Elementary Music Teacher: asarles@siuslaw.k12.or.us
​Siuslaw Elementary School Kinder Kick Off  If you have a child that will be starting Kindergarten in the fall please join us Tuesday, May 9 from 5 to 6 p.m.
​Many Siuslaw students are involved in the CROW production of The SpongeBob Musical at Florence Events Center.  Please come out and support our local students and the arts. Tickets are available, in-person or livestream, for Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.   For tickets and information, visit: https://www.crowkids.com/spongebob​   Tickets are $20 for adults and $12 for youth under 12.
Today, April 15, our Siuslaw High School team, the Viking Vanquishers placed 6th in the state! They won the regional tournament March 15. The Siuslaw High School team includes Seamus Burke, Abby Jones, and Lillie Leland with coaches Kelly Joslin and Melanie Goeddel. Siuslaw Middle School had multiple teams with the 6th-grade team coached by Kelly Dotson, the 7th-grade team coached by Hilary Roach, and the 8th-grade team by Ryan Roach. Pictured in the graphic is the 7th-grade team, The Rebels, with Chloe Bilbrey, Eden McCord, Leala Lent, Natilee Isham, and Melissa Coombs. Siuslaw Elementary School Booking Cheetahs were coached by Greg Jorgenson and Kassy Keppol. Their team is composed of Logan Alcorn, Landon Linton, and Macie Moore.
Family Bilingual Literacy Nights begin April 18 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays​ from 4:45 to 6:30 p.m. at Siuslaw Elementary School, room 9. This evening program will run through August and is designed to assist and support families with English literacy development and is for families who value biliteracy as a relevant skill.   There are adult and school-aged children English lessons and practice as well as preschool language activities for children who are not yet in Kindergarten. Attendees can expect to network and visit with families, learn English, and work on reading, writing, and communication skills.   To register to attend this program, email kkeppol@siuslaw.k12.or.us. A meal will be provided on the introductory night on Tuesday, April 18.​
Human trafficking flyer
​Let's celebrate School Library Month! Swing by your school library and say "Hi!" to either Ms. McKenzie, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Gray, or Ms. Luevano. ​ Students can fill out an "I LOVE MY LIBRARY because..." slip (available in each school library) for chances to win free books and coffee!
Siuslaw Outreach Services (SOS) and Soroptimist of Florence with support from PeaceHealth are hosting  a Community Awareness Night Wednesday, April 12 at 6 p.m. (doors open at 5:30) at the Florence Events Center. The presenters include In Our Backyard, an organization that fights human trafficking through education, mobilization, and partnership, Dr. Susan Inman, a Florence Soroptimist member and local expert on human trafficking, as well as Mike Gallagher, who recently retired from the Portland Police Bureau and served his last 11 years in the Sex Trafficking Unit and was also a Task Force Officer out of Portland's FBI office.   The Community Awareness Night will include a Human Trafficking Expert Panel Q&A, the opportunity to hear from national and community experts on best practices to protect your kids and teens, and real talk for parents about social media safety. Additionally, learn how children are at risk every day and in every home if they have internet access. Furthermore, human trafficking can happen to anyone--no matter race, age, or gender.   To learn more about this event, visit facebook.com/Florence.Soroptimist or scan the QR code on the Soroptimist flyer (https://5il.co/1rz7s) ​or on the Siuslaw School District post about this event.
The PTA Talent Show is open to all students in Siuslaw School District, but students must audition. Pick up an audition form from your school office or download at tinyurl.com/PTATalentShow. Audition forms are due to your school office by Friday, April 7, at 8:30 a.m. Auditions will be held April 17 and 18 after school in the Elementary Music Room. Those who are participating in the Talent Show will need to attend the rehearsal on May 2. The PTA Talent Show is May 3rd and 4th from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Florence Events Center. For more information, contact Siuslaw Elementary Music Teacher Mrs. Sarles at asarles@siuslaw.k12.or.us.
Budget on Chalkboard