We take safety measures at Siuslaw School District very seriously. Each building has a Crisis Team which meets on a regular basis to help make sure our policies and procedures are up to date for maximum student and staff safety. If you are interested in learning more about our School Safety Plan, please call our main office to make an appointment with an administrator, or you may email Amy Flora or Leonard Ulrich.
We have implemented ALICE Training. ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate. In the Spring of 2015, all Siuslaw School District employees participated in a full-day ALICE training. This training is currently being implemented at various levels in each school. How we train elementary students will look very different than how we drill with high school students. For more information about ALICE training at each building, please contact the building principal or assistant principal.
In the event of a tragedy, we feel that it is vital that we have a controlled reunification of students to their families. On December 4, 2015, Siuslaw Elementary School ran a mock reunification drill. There were approximately 50 students and their parents who participated in the drill, along with SES Staff. Staff set up a reunification table where parents and guardians filled out a form to retrieve their child or children. The form was then sent with a runner who went to the student staging area to fetch the student and return them safely to the parent or guardian.
Overall, the drill went very smoothly. We learned many lessons about the process and how to improve efficiency and student safety. We understand that, in the event of a tragedy, this process will be very frustrating for parents not to be instantly reunited with their children. However, it is our responsibility to know who the students are going with and we need to be able to complete this process with a paper-based system in the event that computer technology is not available.