The City of Florence is hosting an open house Wednesday, February 8 at 5:30 p.m. at the Florence Event Center on Quince Street to gather feedback on an ongoing City project to update the Transportation System Plan (TSP). Doors will open at 5:30 and the presentation will begin at 5:45.
This is a long-range plan that guides the development of the City’s transportation system over a 20-year period. The open house will provide the community with an introduction of future traffic conditions based on population and employment forecasts and associated increased traffic volumes, as well as presenting potential solutions based on community input. The community will have an opportunity to share thoughts and concerns on transportation-related issues with City staff. A Spanish English interpreter will be available.
Please attend the open house and help guide the City’s future transportation system! Additional information on the upcoming open house is available on the City website.
Prior to the Open House there is a stakeholder advisory committee meeting at 3 p.m. Input from Florence-Oregon area youth and their parents and others who use public transit and modes of transportation other than cars are welcome and encouraged! A Spanish English interpreter will also be available.
For more information about the City of Florence TSP, visit: