All Latino/a-identifying high school students are invited to the 18th annual Raices Unidas Youth Conference which will be held virtually on Friday, April 15 from 12 to 2 p.m. Students can register by visiting
This year's RUYC will be a two-hour virtual event for Latinx-identifying high school students across the State of Oregon to learn about a world of Latinx academia that embraces principles rooted in social justice.
The theme this year is "Tu Eres Tu Fuego," which aims to spark a discussion about healing and perseverance after the experiences of trauma, loss, and fear in our community brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. This theme speaks to the fact that there is power in who you are and in your story. This event will consist of a keynote speaker, a first-generation student panel, and activities for students to embrace a community of Latinx peers across the State of Oregon. Students will also have the opportunity to expand their knowledge on issues and topics concerning their shared experiences.
This sign-up form needs to be filled out for each person who is going to participate in this year's conference since they will be using Zoom breakout rooms for a portion of the event.
Lastly, they are offering swag bags for attendees this year! This means up to 30 people from our high school will be able to receive a swag bag (mailed to the high school) before the event! Because of their budget, they are not able to send more than 30 swag bags, but we are free to register more than 30 people if there is interest!