Our Siuslaw High School Oregon Battle of the Books program is holding a Read-a-Thon on Wednesday, December 15 from 5 to 9 p.m. in the SHS Library to raise funds for participation in the regional competition, registration fees, competition t-shirts, and new books for the library.
Participating students will be collecting donations and pledges (flat sum or per page) leading up to the Read-a-Thon. Parents and students can find the permission slip and the pledge sheet on our website. Here is a direct link: tinyurl.com/SHSOBOB.
If you have any questions or would like to support a student in the OBOB Read-a-Thon, please reach out to one of the SHS OBOB advisors: Kelly Joslin (kjoslin@siuslaw.k12.or.us) or Melanie Goeddel (mgoeddel@siuslaw.k12.or.us).
Thanks for your support!