Dear Siuslaw High Students and Families:
It’s been a busy first month of the school year. Students are settled into regular schedules and it feels great to have a school looking much closer to normal than at any point in the last eighteen months. The next weeks have some important dates to keep in mind.
Wednesday, October 13th- 9th Grade U of O and LCC Visit
All 9th Graders will be leaving school about 8:30 for a walking tour of the University of Oregon campus and a drive-through tour of the Lane Community College Campus in Eugene. This is a full-day event that will have students returning to campus in time for regular dismissal. Please be on the lookout for a permission slip coming home with all 9th Graders.
Wednesday, October 13th- College Board Day for 10th-12th Grade Students
Most 10th-12th Grade students will participate in the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The test will begin shortly after the start of the school day. The lunch period will be adjusted to allow a 45-minute lunch beginning at 12:30.
In the afternoon, we have special presentations from the Florence Police Department and from Elevate Lane County. This will be a full day of school for all students.
Thursday, October 14th and Friday, October 15th- Family Conferences
Most conferences will be face-to-face in teacher classrooms, although we can accommodate digital conferences by request.
Scheduling for conferences will be done through ParentVue. Our school website, (or, has instructional videos to help with activating a ParentVue account and with scheduling conferences. Conference schedules will be opened for sign-up on Wednesday, October 6th, at 4:00 PM.
We look forward to welcoming parents in for conferences. Please know, protocols for masks and social distancing will be followed during conferences.
Mike Harklerode, Garth Gerot, and Bev Scott
Siuslaw High School Administration