Middle School & High School Personal Item Pickup Information
When can students get their personal belongings from school?
Siuslaw Middle School and Siuslaw High School:
To maintain social distancing and to minimize time waiting in lines, we are organizing by grade level according to the schedule below. Please Note: May 8 is open to any students who miss their grade level day. Families that have students in multiple grades may come on either day.
Seniors - This is also the time you can pick up your graduation announcements and letters from 6th grade.
Grade | Day | (Last Names Beginning with) Pick-up Start Times |
12th, 11th and 6th | Wednesday, May 6 | (A-H) 10:00, (I-P) 11:00, (Q-Z) 12:00, (Any) 1:00 |
10th, 9th and 7th | Thursday, May 7 | (A-H) 10:00, (I-P) 11:00, (Q-Z) 12:00, (Any) 1:00 |
8th & All | Friday, May 8 | (A-H) 10:00, (I-P) 11:00, (Q-Z) 12:00, (Any) 1:00 |
Where do I go for pickup?
Siuslaw Middle School
West side of the building
Siuslaw High School
Student Parking Lot Entrance
Will it be safe?
SMS - All personal items from book lockers will be collected in bags by trained staff members wearing PPE and allowed to sit for several days. Students will retrieve their gym lockers after getting their book locker bag.
SHS - Students will be let in 8 at a time to pack up their lockers (gym and book).
All school staff will be wearing masks, gloves and practicing social distancing.
How do I return items that belong to the school?
Seniors - Please bring your textbooks, library books and spring sports gear to return to the office
Middle School students should return library books and/or textbooks when picking up their belongings
Lost and found items will be outside on a clothing rack.
A limited number of persons can be allowed in the building at a time - there will be a line, with cones set 6 feet apart, for those waiting to enter.
If you have a face mask, please bring it with you as retrieve your items.