April 16, 2020
RE: Updated information on class & credit completion for Grades 9, 10 & 11
Dear Siuslaw families,
Last night the Oregon Department of Education released updated guidance on class and credit completion for students in Grades 9, 10 & 11.
In summary, students in Grades 9, 10, & 11 across Oregon will be working this spring to complete the essential skills for classes to earn credit towards while being graded as Pass/Incomplete. Our goal here locally is to provide both students and teachers with the time and flexibility to complete these essential skills during this time of distance learning. Grading all classes across the state as Pass/Incomplete creates a more level field while striving to hold students, and their GPAs, harmless as a result of the current crisis.
Shortly, ODE will release guidance on how grading should be handled from Kindergarten through 8th grade. It is anticipated that the same Pass/Incomplete criteria will be applied to middle school and elementary school students also.
The ultimate goal of distance learning now is to provide students with the greatest opportunity to be ready to resume a normal school year next fall. The time spent now by students and teachers in distance learning will prepare everyone for the smoothest transition possible into next school year. Juniors will become Seniors and continue their journey towards commencement. And each student in all other grades will take their next educational step. Whether it is 8th graders becoming high schoolers or 5th graders making the leap to middle school, everyone is moving upward together.
If you would like to read through the ODE guidance is it uploaded to the district website and can be found through these links – April 15th ODE memo https://5il.co/f6ly and the updated ODE Distance Learning document is located at https://5il.co/f6lw.
Also important during this closure period is the physical and emotional welfare of the students, beyond their educational needs. Please feel free to reach out to staff for assistance, especially the school counselors. Since most staff are off campus and working remotely, using email may be the best option to reach staff. There is a common email of 97j@siuslaw.k12.or.us that is monitored daily and will be directed to proper people for assistance. Voicemail messages at 541-997-2651 are also monitored daily and directed to the person that fits that request.
As there is more solid, concrete information about future events related to the school closure, distance learning and other academic milestones, the district will continue to pass them along.
Be safe, be well, and take care of each other in these trying times….and we will make it out the other side!
Andrew S. Grzeskowiak, Siuslaw SD 97J Superintendent
This letter and associated documents about the school closure can be found on the school district website through http://www.siuslaw.k12.or.us/o/siuslaw-school-district/page/school-closure-information--8