On behalf of Siuslaw High School staff and students, we wish to extend our thanks to our businesses and community partners who participated in our Student Job Fair on March 17th! It was a win for both our students and the community!
Our vendors included: Abby's, Air Force, Army, Army National Guard, City of Dunes City, City of Florence, City of Florence-Police, Fred Meyer, Goodwill Job Connections, KCST Radio, Kitchen Klutter, Lane County, Marines, Mo's Restaurant, New Friends Memory & Residential Care Florence, Nosh, Oregon Department of Transportation, Oregon Coast Humane Society, Oregon Pacific Bank, Oregon State Parks, PeaceHealth, Safeway, Sea Lion Caves, Shorewood Senior Living, Siuslaw National Forest, Siuslaw Public Library, Siuslaw School District, Three Rivers Casino, U.S. Coast Guard, Western Lane Fire and EMS Association, and Worksource Lane Employment Department.