The 1A Siuslaw Trap Team had 2 squads with 5 shooters in each squad totaling 10 shooters at the state competition in Hillsboro, Oregon, in the 1A and 2A division. Each squad shoots 2 times. They shoot 50 rounds each time they are up to shoot totaling 100 rounds shot for a total score. If you have 5 shooters qualify in same level that equals a team. We had 5 shooters qualify in Novice level and our team won 2nd place! Congratulations!
Novice Team
39 scored at Novice level in 1A division
- Top Male Novice shooter our team: Josh Delle 16/39 shooting score 57/100
- Top Female Novice shooter our team: Allison Cooklin 30/39 shooting score 40/100
- Bradyn Sibbett 33/39 shooting score 38/100
- Kanati Lipe 36/39 shooting score 34/100
- Aleria Mendolia 38/39 shooting score 32/100
JV Team
82 scored at Jr. Varsity level in 1A division
- Top Jr. Varsity shooter our team: Jonah Marohl 63/82 shooting score 63/100
159 scored at Varsity level in 1A division
- Top Varsity shooter our team: Dylan Wheeler 63/159 shooting score 89/100
- Billy Grable 106/159 shooting score 83/100
- Wade Richmond 115/159 shooting score 82/100
- Thomas Gentry 129/159 shooting score 80/100
Varsity members Wade Richmond & Dylan Wheeler are headed to Nationals in Mason Michigan to compete July 8th & 9th.
Students (left to right): Thomas Gentry, Kanati Lipe, Wade Richmond, Billy Grable, Dylan Wheeler, Bradyn Sibbett, Josh Delle, Jonah Marohl, Allison Cooklin, Aleria Mendolia
Coaches (left to right): William Rose, Sean Grundon, Troy Delle