The Siuslaw School District has become aware today of troubling posts that have been shared widely around the country on the social media platform, TikTok.  The posts refer to a threat to school safety for “every school in the United States” on Friday, December 17th.   There have been NO threats to any Siuslaw schools. The post appears to be part of a national TikTok trend that did not originate in our school district, or even in Oregon.

TikTok messaging, from around the Nation

December 16, 2021

The Siuslaw School District has become aware today of troubling posts that have been shared widely around the country on the social media platform, TikTok.  The posts refer to a threat to school safety for “every school in the United States” on Friday, December 17th. 

There have been NO threats to any Siuslaw schools. The post appears to be part of a national TikTok trend that did not originate in our school district, or even in Oregon. 

KVAL ran a short story on this topic today that you can view here:

Please talk to your children about what they may be seeing on social media. School staff will remain vigilant to make sure that our schools are safe for everyone.


Andrew Grzeskowiak – Superintendent, Siuslaw SD 97J


16 de diciembre de 2021

El Distrito Escolar de Siuslaw se ha dado cuenta hoy de publicaciones preocupantes que se han compartido ampliamente en todo el país en la plataforma de redes sociales, TikTok. Las publicaciones se refieren a una amenaza a la seguridad escolar de “todas las escuelas de los Estados Unidos” el viernes 17 de diciembre. 

NO ha habido amenazas a ninguna escuela de Siuslaw. La publicación parece ser parte de una tendencia nacional de TikTok que no se originó en nuestro distrito escolar, ni siquiera en Oregon. 

KVAL publicó una breve historia sobre este tema hoy que puede ver aquí: .

Hable con sus hijos sobre lo que pueden estar viendo en las redes sociales. El personal de la escuela permanecerá alerta para asegurarse de que nuestras escuelas sean seguras para todos.


Andrew Grzeskowiak - Superintendente, Siuslaw SD 97J